What is WAIPS (Western Australian Industry Participation Strategy)?
Completing your WAIPS document can be a daunting process, but it is an important step in gaining access to large government contracts.
WAIPS was developed by the Western Australian Government to support local industry and create jobs.
The first step to completing the WAIPS is understanding the requirements.
The WAIPS requires businesses to prove their commitment to local industry by using of local products, services, and materials.
Businesses must also prove that they are willing to use local suppliers and subcontractors on their projects.
Companies must also consider the impact their activities will have on the local environment, society, and economy.
Your Industry Participation Plan will form part of the tender evaluation. So, it's important to be honest and not fudge the numbers as they will become your KPIs if you win this contract.
NB: Only the head contractor / prime must complete the Industry Participation Plan. This is lodged with their tender submission.
Sub-contractors are not required to complete WAIPS, although you will be asked by the head contractor (aka the prime) about employment numbers and if you have any apprentices/ trainees.
Types of Industry Participation Plans
There are 2 types of industry participation plans, Core and Full. Depending on the value of the contract, you may need to submit either a Core or a Full Industry Participation Plan.
NB: There will be instructions in the tender documents advising which one you should complete.
Start by brainstorming what you already do in your business.
Employing local staff
· How many locals do you currently employ?
· Do you have sufficient staff to deliver the contract without taking on new staff?
· Will you need additional local staff to deliver the project? How many? Full time / Part-time?
· Do you need local sub-contractors?
· How will you source them? Ie: Do you advertise on your company’s FB page, ICN Gateway, Chamber of Commerce Newsletter, local newspaper, town’s noticeboard, or community radio?
· Will you recruit Aboriginal sub-contractors? How will you source them?
· Are they registered with Supply Nation?
NB: The Aboriginal business owner will tell you if they are listed on Supply Nation or you can check on www.supplynation.org.au
Local Content Advisors
Can you make use of Local Content Advisors located at the Regional Development Commissions to connect with local businesses? They are a wealth of information and can help you with advice and access to their extensive networks. Here are details of the Development Commissions.
Gascoyne Development Commission
Goldfields Esperance Development Commission
Great Southern Development Commission
Kimberley Development Commission
Mid West Development Commission
Pilbara Development Commission
Local Industry Development
What initiatives do you have in place to support local industry development? Do you employ any apprentices/ trainees?
If you won this contract, will there be training opportunities for local youth?
Quality Assurance
How will you make sure your project is delivered to QA standards?
How will you monitor and assess the work of your staff and sub-contractors?
What processes have you got in place to implement best practice and ensure QA standards?
As you can see, there are many questions that will need to be resolved.
Communications Plan
You will need to create a simple Communications Plan as an attachment to your WAIPS document. Start by answering the following:
· How you will source local subcontractors (refer to the list I provided above)
· Will subbies need to complete an Expression of Interest?
· How will you assess their qualifications and experience against what you need to deliver this project?
· How will you inform unsuccessful subbies that their EOI was unsuccessful?
· Can you mentor them so that they can submit be a successful EOI next time?
Now that you’ve mapped out some of the employment numbers and Comms Plan you can start telling your story.
Writing Style
When telling your story, focus on the benefits the WA Government will receive by awarding you the contract. Quantify this by providing actual numbers.
Use plain English and keep your sentences short.
If all this is too much, we can help you prepare your WAIPS document.
Priscilla brings over 20-years of government experience, specialising in regional economic development which she will use to prepare your Industry Participation Plan.
CALL US ON M: 0437 135 155